Five Productive Things that can be done with the Holidays

Even though the Christmas holiday is a period to take time off work, celebrate and spend time with loved ones. You can as well be productive in many different ways. Productive things that will undoubtedly not drain you, but instead, give you feelings of exhilaration.  

We have thoughtfully highlighted various things. Our article has been written to teach you productive things that you can during the holidays. If this is what you would like to learn, continue reading.  

Here are Five Productive Activities to Indulge in during the Holidays 

1. Declutter 

When speaking of decluttering, it involves cleaning both the material things we possess, our minds, and generally anything that no longer serves us. Decluttering simply means removing unnecessary items from a crowded area. This area can represent your closet, your device’s memory space, your home in general, and your mind. It is a form of self-care.   

During the holidays, this is undoubtedly one productive thing you should do. The benefits of this activity go beyond just having a well tidy space. It improves your overall well being by helping you gain control over your physical space, stuff, and your life. And aside from the benefits you will get from this activity. Others will also benefit from it. Some of the items that might not seem to serve you anymore will put smiles on others’ faces.    

Some of the things to consider decluttering this holiday include: 

* Your mind. Consciously clear your mind from negative and draining thoughts. 

* Declutter your smartphone. 

* Expired medicines 

* Never-used and expired makeup, bath, hair, and body products.  

* Unused towels 

* Unused cleaning supplies 

* Books you are sure of never reading again. 

* Organize your email. Empty your spam, trash, and unwanted inbox 

* Plastic storage cans and water bottles 

* Clothes and shoes you haven’t worn in a while 

* Expired and unused car maintenance tools 

* Kitchen utensils 

* Get rid of newspapers, magazines, and old calendars. 

The list goes on and on. While we have not mentioned all of the things that you ought to declutter, the rule to this is that you are letting go of unnecessary items and tidying your space.  

2. Offer to Better Someone Else’s Christmas 

This is one noble activity to do during the holiday. It is a productive activity that will bother to improve another person’s Christmas and leave you with fulfillment.  

Due to the situation of COVID-19, you might have minimal options. However, there are ways to go about it. Some homes need helping hands, orphanages, soup kitchens, and more.  

You can do this activity according to your budget. If your budget can cover for one person, it is magnificent, but if you can comfortably improve the Christmas of a dozen persons, why not?  

3. Create Thank-You Notes 

All year-round, you probably have said tons of ‘Thank-You’ messages to a lot of persons via SMS, chats, and phone calls. But when last did you write an actual Thank-You note?  

The truth is, not many people do this. A lot of us do most of our communications with our smartphones and devices.   

During this holiday, include it in your list of activities. You want to ensure that you use sincere words that you mean. Genuinely show your gratitude with words. You can refer to different times when they helped you in one way or the other.   

Create a list of all the people who have assisted you in different ways all through the year. It might be your spouse, family members, colleagues, and neighbors.  

Write everyone on your list a Thank-You note – each of them. After that, either give the note to each of them in person or mail it to them. 

4. Take Some You-Time 

Ensure you don’t leave yourself out of the productive activities to do on this holiday. You have worked for a better part of this year. It is time for you to give yourself a treat.  

Giving you a treat can range from the big things to tiny conscious things. Get yourself a new and excellent haircut. Take yourself to the spa and get pampered. Buy yourself that gift you’ve always admired. Place an order on your favorite meal. Or simply just take a nice walk alone and have some You-Time. Read that book you’ve always wanted to but had no time for it.  

This activity might be the reset button you needed to begin the New Year. 

5. Prepare for the Future 

After December comes to a New Year, you want to strategize your New Year, have goals and resolutions written down, and plan for the future. This is an important productive activity to do during this holiday. You don’t want to start another year without planning how you intend for it to go. 

However, when making resolutions and writing goals, you want to create SMART goals and resolutions.  You want to ensure that you are doing it the right way. This is because many resolutions don’t stick. And it happens for some reason. Learn about the reasons here and how to avoid them [Link] 


Although the holiday is a time to relax, celebrate, catch up, and just breathe, you can be productive. There are various ways to go about this without draining you, nor giving you that feeling of ‘Work’. Some productive activities include Planning for the future, Creating Thank-You notes, Decluttering, improving someone else’s Christmas, and taking some You-Time. We hope that this article has given you informative tips on productive things to do during the holidays. 

Written exclusively for our company by Sherise

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