Learning Disabilities Side Effects

Learning disabilities refer to processing issues that make learning more difficult.  These learning disabilities may be inherited or acquired via neurological factors that affect the brain adversely. These individuals with learning disabilities are intelligent, but they struggle to express the skill you would expect from someone of that age.

 Learning disabilities can only be managed, not treated. Please read this article to learn about learning disabilities, their side effects and how to manage them.

What are the Signs of Learning Disabilities?

Numerous signs indicate learning disabilities. These signs are often linked, and most times, do not go away.  Common signs of learning disabilities are

  • Issues with reading or writing
  • Issues comprehending math problems
  • Problem remembering numbers, words, or facts.
  • Clumsiness
  • Problems remaining alert and finishing tasks

What are Some Common Learning Disabilities?

Several learning disabilities have been discovered over time. The most common of these include

1.     Dyslexia  

This is a type of learning disorder that affects children with normal vision. The affected individuals have difficulty reading, spelling, writing, and speaking. Often, they have difficulty stringing letters together to form words and sounds. It may present as a mild form which can be managed or a severe form of Dyslexia.

There are six types of Dyslexia:

  • Phonological Dyslexia – difficulty pronouncing words because of the inability to process words into their component sounds
  • Surface Dyslexia – characterized by long processing time for reading. Individuals with this type of Dyslexia have problems comprehending passages.
  • Visual Dyslexia – people suffering from this form of Dyslexia are unable to process what they see. Thus, they often have issues with spelling.
  • Primary Dyslexia – this type is inherited from one or both parents.  It affects males more than females. Primary Dyslexia is characterized by trouble reading, spelling, and math.
  • Secondary Dyslexia – unlike primary Dyslexia, is not genetically inherited. Rather, it is caused by poor fetal nutrition or infections. Poor fetal nutrition, as well as infections, can impair nerve functions.
  • Acquired Dyslexia – occurs due to an accident or trauma that affects the brain. This trauma could result in difficulty in processing words and sounds.

Symptoms of Dyslexia

The symptoms are quite hard to spot until the child begins school. You should know that these symptoms of dyslexia change with time and age.  In preschoolers, it presents with

 Trouble processing language – preschoolers with Dyslexia have trouble speaking and writing. They get the letters all mixed up more often than not because the brain cannot link the words to sound.

  • Trouble learning and identifying letters – they often mix up letters.
  • Trouble pronouncing familiar words.
  • Difficulty identifying rhyming patterns

2.     Attention-Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder

 ADHD is another common learning disorder. It is known as an inability to sit at a place and stay focused. The affected individual can always be seen fidgeting. In children and teens, this disorder presents with short attention span, forgetfulness, and difficulty. Adults with this disability may be affected differently. It is tricky to spot this disorder in adults.


  • Inability to settle down quietly
  • Hyperactivity
  • Inability to pay attention to details
  • Poor organizational skills alongside an inability to prioritize and multitask.
  • Dyscalculia

Dyscalculia affects an individual’s math skills unlike the others. The disability ranges from mild to severe. Sufferers may be unable to arrange numbers correctly, perform simple math, and estimate figures.


  • Some common symptoms of dyscalculia include
  • Troubles counting backward
  • Poor mental arithmetic grasp
  • Abysmal sense of estimation
  • Trouble understanding and recounting mathematical concepts

4.     Dysgraphia 

Dysgraphia is a learning disorder that focuses on the inability to write or trouble writing. Individuals that suffer from Dysgraphia hold pens and pencils in a twisted, awkward manner and find writing a massive chore.

Managing this disability requires lots of patience, as most dysphagia sufferers cannot hold a pen properly.


  • Illegible writing – Their handwritings often look like scribbles.
  • Trouble forming coherent thoughts and spelling
  • Frequent mixing up of upper and lower case letters
  • Strong dislike for writing and problems with grammar
  • Omitting words or leaving some words unfinished in a sentence.

What are the Side Effects of Learning Disabilities?

Learning disabilities affect the way a person interprets information and how they communicate. This means they can have difficulty

  • Understanding new or complex information – because the brain can’t quite interpret the information the eyes see, learning new things can be difficult.
  • Acquiring new skills
  • Surviving independently – depending on the severity of the learning disability, affected individuals may not cope on their own. People with severe disabilities have to be taken care of for life
  • People with learning disabilities are usually more emotionally volatile. They may suffer from
  • Inferiority complex – the inability to catch up with your peers and do what they do easily often results in a lack of self-esteem in people with learning disabilities.
  • Depression and melancholy – is another psychological side effect of living with learning disabilities. Affected individuals are prone to acting out and fits of depression.

How Can I Manage a Child with Learning Disability?

Once you notice any of these brow-raising signs of learning disabilities in your child, it is important to see a doctor. The doctor will correctly diagnose the learning disability your child has and counsel you on how to manage it.

Once you know the exact disability, you must find out more about it.  Having more information on the learning disorder will help you understand it.

It would help if you worked with your child’s teachers and doctors. Together, you can come up with ways to support the child while still pushing to achieve set goals.

 Keep open communication with your child. This way, you can reassure them when they are depressed.


There are so many learning disabilities, each with its symptoms. These disabilities do not mean that your child is not intelligent. Learning disabilities can have negative side effects on a person psychologically. You can manage these side effects with the tips provided in this article.

Written exclusively for our company by Sherise

Source: CoolMambo.com