The Basics of SiriusXM

Imagine you’re on a cross-country road trip with your very best friend, and the two of you are rocking out to your favorite tune by your favorite band. Your windows are down, and you’re both singing the lyrics you know by heart at the top of your lungs while nearby drivers look at you like you’ve lost your minds. It sounds like a great time, right?

But then something unfortunate happens, and your song starts being overtaken by static. Before you know it, there’s nothing remaining of the song at all because of the distance you’ve traveled, and you have the frustration of losing your favorite tune before it was even finished—all because of the limitations of the radio station’s coverage. Now, you can grumble about having to change stations with your traveling companion as you surrender to look for a new song, all while knowing that the process can happen again and again throughout your trip because you’re traveling through so many areas of coverage. One impromptu concert after another then could be forced to come to a screeching halt before you and your friend reach your destination.

Admittedly, this isn’t the worst thing that can happen on a cross-country trip, but these days, it’s an inconvenience that you just don’t need to deal with. The reason is that a little something exists by the name of SiriusXM, and if you haven’t explored this option, you might be surprised by what you’re missing! Hint: It’s enough to have allowed the company to gain more than thirty-two million customers, and that high number indicates that the company is doing something right (“Corporate Overview,” n.d.)!

Want more information? Keep on reading for a review of basic information about SiriusXM that might have you scurrying to subscribe to the service as soon as you finish reading this post!

What Is SiriusXM?

SiriusXM is a way to enjoy just about anything that you might want to hear on the radio in a way that is without coverage limitations and commercials. That aforementioned road trip, for instance, could be taken from start to finish without you needing to change your channel and with no interruptions for your random duets of favorite songs. Already, this is an option that is worth exploring since it means you can guarantee your listening preferences before you ever leave your driveway and mold the conditions in which you’ll be driving just a little closer to what you would label as perfect.

As great as this sounds, the service gets better because of the variety of channels that you can find through a SiriusXM subscription. Not only can you pick a channel that’s tailored to a general musical category, like country, but you can also find channels that are linked to specific artists that you adore. This means that if you’re a die-hard Elvis Presley fan, you can tune into his channel and not have to budge from that channel while you make your way through your trip. Compared to general radio stations, this boosts your options for longer periods of time and creates a situation where your entire trip can be linked to a genre or artist that you want to hear.

And there’s more! SiriusXM does not just offer listeners the opportunity to hear music. If you want to follow sports, check the weather, or listen to political discussions, do a bit of browsing to find the perfect channel for you. Remember—you can listen without commercials, and you might be surprised at the number and variety of channels that you find through the company.

Where can I get SiriusXM?

There are so many options about where to listen to SiriusXM, and they range from your house to your car, with your smartphone and your computer in between. Unfortunately, though, there are some restrictions, like the details of your car’s make. SiriusXM reports that the majority of new cars are able to offer you the product, but not all, and the years that are offered under the “What’s Available in Your Car?” search option on the website only go back to 2004.

This would mean that if you purchase one of the brands of car that don’t automatically come equipped to handle the service, or if your car is too outdated to have it, you’ll have to explore other options to enjoy SiriusXM while you drive. This is the main drawback of the product that I’ve noted, but it’s not insurmountable because, if you need to explore those other options, you can browse SiriusXM’s Shop page for radio options. Prices for those radios vary based on brand and current offers available, but features include preset channels, mature channel locks, and One-Touch Jump. Warranties are available on products as well, meaning that you can buy them with the security of knowing they’re guaranteed purchases.

How Much Does It Cost?

The trial is free, and subscription prices are very reasonable for a product that’s as varied and strong as this one is. The six-month option for subscription is only thirty dollars, and the twelve-month option is just sixty dollars. Both of those options average out to five dollars per month. For less than the cost of a monthly Big Mac then, you can have a radio option that allows you to listen to music, sports, comedy, news, and weather without a single commercial from one side of the country to the other. For such a small amount of cash, it can be a great investment that keeps you entertained during short and long car trips—or at home through other devices on which SiriusXM can be streamed.

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If I Change Cars, Can I Keep My Subscription?

Yes, you can! Just contact the company to alert them of the new purchase to keep your account up-to-date and useful. You can feel confident as you browse for your new vehicle then that what you already purchased won’t be wasted, and that you can continue enjoying the plethora of channels and options that the SiriusXM subscription provides you.

If I get Confused with the Process, How Easily Can I Get Help?

The website has a hefty amount of information available through a bit of browsing—so much that all of the information in this post could be found on the product’s site. This makes elements of product information that are connected to your subscription easy to come by, though more corporate details about the company’s history might be harder to locate. Given that most people would potentially be looking at the website for the product and services rather than the background information, however, this detail does not seriously impact how much assistance you would likely get from browsing the website to search for answers to your questions.

If you have trouble finding your information just by browsing random pages though, note that there’s a list of support categories that you can search through in order to find answers to your questions as well. The information listed there includes service details and billing information, which would be key topics that customers would likely be interested in exploring. Overall, it’s easy to navigate and informative, and that’s a great combination for a website to have. 

If you can’t find the answers you need anywhere on the site, don’t fret! You can call the company to get help, and there’s also an option on the website to chat with someone from the company in a live conversation. Either way, you would be able to talk to a representative of the company to pose your questions, so finding the answers you’re searching for shouldn’t prove too difficult!


SiriusXM is a great deal for its low monthly price, though the process of equipping a car that doesn’t come with access to the product does make the process a bit more cumbersome than it would need to be in that scenario. Still, not having a vehicle automatically equipped for the product does not completely take away from the value of a SiriusXM subscription since there are different platforms and ways to enjoy the channels that are offered by the company. Overall, for the low price of those subscriptions and the vastness of listening opportunities, this is one product that could prove worth the investment, particularly if you’re on the go enough to use the wider range of channels, so if you’re a traveler, definitely look into getting this service!
